Verzi, misli in citati o zimi

Zima razgrinja svoj mraz in s tem vabi k odkrivanju topline v naših srcih. V tem času, ko se narava odene v svojo najbolj svečano belino, se prebudi tudi posebna vrsta poezije. Verzi o zimi niso le besede, so ognjišča, ki nas grejejo, so sledi v snegu, ki vodijo k razmišljanju. Vabim vas, da skupaj prehodimo pot skozi najlepše misli, verze in citate o zimi, ki bodo ogreli vaše dni in razsvetlili hladne noči.

“Zima je čas za crkljanje, dobro hrano, toplino,
prijateljski dotik roke in pogovor pred kaminom.
Pozimi imamo največ časa drug za drugega.”
Edith Sitwell

V globini zime sem končno spoznal, da je bilo v meni nepremagljivo poletje.
(Albert Camus, francoski novinar, pisatelj in filozof)

Smeh je sonce, ki odžene zimo z našega obraza.
(Victor Hugo, francoski pisatelj, pesnik, dramatik, akademik in državnik.

Ena lastovka še ne prinese pomladi.
(Slovenski pregovor)

Kadar so ljudje srečni, ne ločijo med zimo in poletjem.
(Anton Čehov, ruski pisatelj)

Bodi zima, bodi kres. Kadar zebe, neti les.
(Slovenski pregovor)

Zima je v moji glavi, v srcu pa je pomlad.
(Victor Hugo)

Če pozimi drevje od mraza poka, jeseni s sadjem preobloženo stoka.
(Slovenski pregovor)

Da bi cenili lepoto snežinke, se je treba upreti mrazu.
(Aristotel, starogrški filozof)

Zima brez mraza – poletje brez kruha.
(Ljudski pregovor)

Ko se počutimo zlomljene in šibke, moramo le počakati.
Vrne se pomlad, sneg se stopi in tista voda nam vlije novo energijo.
(Paulo Coelho, brazilski pisatelj)

“Zima je nežen poljub narave, ki uspava zemljo v sanje o pomladi.”
Neznani avtor

“V objemu zime najdemo toplino skupnih trenutkov
ki jih preživimo ob kaminu, s knjigo v roki in srcem polnim upanja.”
Neznani avtor

“Snežinka je nebo, ki pada v dlaneh zemlje, nežen opomnik,
da je vsak trenutek edinstven.”
Neznani avtor

“Zima ni le sezona mraza, ampak čas,
ko se lahko ogenj vztrajnosti in moči razplamti v vsakem izmed nas.”
Neznani avtor

“Ko zima potrka na vrata, odprite srce čudežem, ki jih prinaša s seboj.”
Neznani avtor

“Zima je čas za domišljijo,
ko se vsaka snežinka spremeni v platno za naše sanje.”
Neznani avtor

“V tišini zimske pokrajine se skriva melodija,
ki jo lahko sliši le srce, ki se je naučilo poslušati.”
Neznani avtor

“Naj bo zima hladna,
a naj bo srce toplo, polno ljubezni in radosti.”
Neznani avtor

“Zima je kot dolg pisan šal, ovit okoli vratu sveta, ki nas spominja,
da je v vsakem trenutku nekaj, kar nas greje.”
Neznani avtor

“Pod belo odejo zime se prebuja obljuba novega začetka,
tihega pričakovanja pomladnega cvetenja.”
Neznani avtor

Angleški verzi, citati in misli o zimi

“How many lessons of faith and beauty we should lose,
if there were no winter in our year!”
Thomas Wentworth Higginson

“I love the scents of winter!
For me, it’s all about the feeling
you get when you smell pumpkin spice, cinnamon, nutmeg,
gingerbread and spruce.”
Taylor Swift

“I pray this winter be gentle and kind–a season
of rest from the wheel of the mind. “
John Geddes

“I prefer winter and Fall, when you feel the bone structure
of the landscape–the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter.
Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn’t show. “
Andrew Wyeth

“I write probably 80 percent of my stuff over the winter.”
Bob Seger

“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant:
if we did not sometimes taste of adversity,
prosperity would not be so welcome.”
Anne Bradstreet

“If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”
Percy Bysshe Shelley

“If winter helps you curl up and more
that makes it one of the best of the seasons.”
Murray Pura

“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.”
William Blake

“It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake,
the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam.
This crisp winter air is full of it. “
John Burroughs

“Laughter is the sun
that drives winter from the human face.”
Victor Hugo

“Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius.”
Pietro Aretino

“Many human beings say that they enjoy the winter,
but what they really enjoy is feeling proof against it.”
–Richard Adams

“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.”
Hal Borland

“Nothing is as easy to make as a promise
this winter to do something next summer;
this is how commencement speakers are caught.”
Sydney J. Harris

“One kind word can warm three winter months. “
Japanese Proverb

“People don’t notice whether
it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.”
Anton Chekhov

“Thank goodness for the first snow,
it was a reminder–no matter how old
you became and how much you’d seen,
things could still be new if you were willing
to believe they still mattered.”
Candace Bushnell

“The hard soil and four months of snow make the inhabitants
of the northern temperate zone wiser and abler than
his fellow who enjoys the fixed smile of the tropics. “
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The problem with winter sports is that–follow me closely
here–they generally take place in winter.”
Dave Barry

“To shorten winter, borrow some money due in spring. “
W.J. Vogel

“Welcome, winter.
Your late dawns and chilled breath make me lazy,
but I love you nonetheless. “
Terri Guillemets

“Blow ye winds, like the trumpet blows,
but without that noise. “
Jack Handey

“What good is the warmth of summer,
without the cold of winter to give it sweetness. “
John Steinbeck

“When I was young, I loved summer and hated winter.
When I got older I loved winter and hated summer.
Now that I’m even older, and wiser,
I hate both summer and winter.”
Jarod Kintz

“Winter blues are cured every time
with a potato gratin paired with a roast chicken.”
Alexandra Guarnaschelli

“Winter forms our character and brings out our best.”
Tom Allen

“Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.”
Paul Theroux

“Winter is not a season, it’s a celebration.”
Anamika Mishra

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth,
for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire:
it is the time for home.””
Edith Sitwell

Zima je več kot le sezona; je pesem, ki jo piše narava, je praznik, ki ga praznujemo z vsakim vdihom hladnega zraka. Naj vas misli, verzi in citati o zimi, ki sem jih delil z vami, spremljajo in grejejo skozi vse zimske dni. Ko naslednjič opazujete ples snežink ali poslušate tišino zasnežene pokrajine, se spomnite, da je vsak trenutek priložnost za nov verz v pesmi vašega življenja. Zima je tu, da nas nauči ceniti toplino, ki jo nosimo v sebi, in lepoto, ki nas obdaja.

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